CSSline was conceived in 2009 by @virlander, who was dissatisfied with existing CSS showcase platforms like CSS Beauty ⚱ and Stylegala ⚱. Collaborating with @superfelipe, both developers at Valve, they launched the first version of CSSline, featuring a custom frontend using jQuery 🤔 and a backend powered by CodeIgniter 😎, hosted by Slicehost Rackspace. The logo was crafted by @meteufacik & @junnuvuorela.
Thanks to our sales manager (@snellman), we successfully sold 🤑🤑🤑 a copy of our backend code to a mystery buyer. This sale has enabled us to continue running CSSline ad-free to this day.
In 2012, @samnivala designed a new interface for CSSline. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, this version was never implemented.
Additionally, @virlander created several unreleased versions of CSSline, yet none met his satisfaction for publication.
Following @superfelipe move to Reaktor, @virlander introduced CSSline to @tsuvinen when he joined Valve. Together, they developed a new version using modern technologies such as Angular.js Angular 4 React React+Next.js React+Razzle (Nodejs, Razzle, React, Redux, Styled-components + Firebase). This development spanned from 2016 to 2020.